
clear() method in list

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clear() method in list - Python

  • This method is used to remove all elements from a list.
  • The .clear() method doesn’t take any argument and it doesn’t return anything.
  • When we call this method with an empty list then it doesn’t give any error.
  • When we call this method with a list it will traverse each element, removes the reference of each element from the list and make the length of the list 0.
  • The time complexity of this method is O(n) where n is the number of elements in the list.
  • This method is useful when you want to reset your list or you want to reinitialize the list.


Syntax –



Parameters –

  • argument → Doesn’t take any argument.
  • return → None(doesn’t return anything).


Example 1-

print("Original list:",my_list)
print("Original list after clear:",my_list)

# Output -
# Original list: [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
# Original list after clear: []
  • In the above example, first we create a list with some elements and store it in my_list variable.
  • After creating my_list print the list on the output screen.
  • Then call the .clear() method with the my_list.
  • Finally, print the modified original list on the output screen.

Example 2- Clear an Empty list

print("Original list:",lst)
print("Modified original list:",lst)

# Output -
# Original list: []
# Modified original list: []