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Python uses assignment operators to assign values to variables. They enable you to store values in variables for later use or modification. An assignment operator’s fundamental syntax is as follows:
variable = value
Here, the value on the right side of the assignment operator is assigned to the variable on the left side. We have a wide variety of assignment operators; let’s look into some of them below:
The assignment operator is denoted by ‘=’ and is used to assign values. Here are some examples of assignment operators:
# Assigning a value to a variable
x = 5
y = 10
name = "edslash"
# Assigning multiple values to multiple variables
a, b, c = 1, 2, 3
A value can be added to a variable’s current value, and then the result is assigned back to the original variable using the addition assignment operator (+=). It offers a concise way of adding a new value to a variable in order to update its value. The fundamental syntax is:
variable += value
x = 5
x += 2 # Equivalent to: x = x + 2
# Output of the above Python code:
# ---> Output: 7
# Addition assignment with strings
greeting = "Welcome to"
name = "edslash"
greeting += " " + name # Equivalent to: greeting = greeting + " " + name
# Output of the above Python code:
# ---> Output: Welcome to edslash
When a value is subtracted from the current value of a variable, the result is then assigned back to the original variable using the subtraction assignment operator (-=). By deducting one value from another, it offers a convenient shorthand notation for changing a variable’s value. The syntax at its core is:
variable -= value
x = 10
x -= 3 # Equivalent to: x = x - 3
# Output of the above Python code:
# Output: 7
Note: Remember that the subtraction assignment operator won’t work on lists in Python; it will give you an error as these are not supported for lists.
The multiplication assignment operator (*=) is used to multiply the current value of a variable by a given value and then assign the result back to the original variable. By multiplying a variable’s value by another, it offers a shortcut notation for changing the value of a variable. The fundamental syntax is as follows:
variable *= value
x = 3
x *= 4 # Equivalent to: x = x * 4
# Output of the above Python code:
# Output: 12
# Multiplication assignment with strings
message = "edslash"
message *= 3 # Equivalent to: message = message * 3
# Output of the above Python code:
# ---> Output: edslashedslashedslash
By dividing a variable’s current value by a given value, the division assignment operator (/=) returns the result to the original variable. It offers a convenient shorthand notation for dividing the value of a variable by another value. The fundamental syntax is:
variable /= value
x = 10
x /= 2 # Equivalent to: x = x / 2
# Output of the above Python code:
# ---> Output: 5.0
When a variable’s current value is divided by a given value, the remainder can be calculated and assigned back to the original variable using the modulus assignment operator (%=). For updating a variable’s value with the modulus operation, it offers a shorthand notation. The fundamental syntax is:
variable %= value
x = 10
x %= 3 # Equivalent to: x = x % 3
# Output of the above Python code:
# ---> Output: 1
# Modulus assignment with floats
y = 8.5
y %= 2.5 # Equivalent to: y = y % 2.5
# Output of the above Python code:
# ---> Output: 0.5
Tips and Tricks:- In situations where you must deal with remainders or cyclic patterns, such as determining whether a number is odd or even, managing repetitive sequences, or computing periodic events, the modulus assignment operator is especially helpful.
The exponentiation assignment operator (**=) in Python can be used to multiply a variable by a given value and then assign the result back to the original variable. By raising the value of a variable to power, it offers a convenient shorthand notation for doing so. The fundamental syntax is:
variable **= value
x = 2
x **= 3 # Equivalent to: x = x ** 3
# Output of the above Python code:
# ---> Output: 8
# Exponentiation assignment with floats
y = 2.5
y **= 2 # Equivalent to: y = y ** 2
# Output of the above Python code:
# Output: 6.25
Article written by Aakarsh Pandey, Team edSlash
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