Exploratory Data Analysis on Sales Data in Python

Analyse the given dataset completely and perform the following questions.

  1. Convert the text based categorical columns to numeric columns
  2. Convert the Order Date column into Day, Month, Year and Time columns separately
  3. Create a new column and store the Price data as rounded off in integer format
  4. Create a new column and store the PIN Codes from the Address column
  5. Create a new column named City and store the city names from the Address column
  6. Group Product column into different categories such as Phones, Accessories, etc according to the data available.
  7. Create 12 separate date ordered dataframes for every
  8. What was the best month for sales? How much was earned that month? Explain via graph/chart
  9. What city sold the most product?
  10. What time should we display advertisements to maximize likelihood of customer’s buying product?
  11. Which product was sold the least as per your categories and what might be the reason behind that. Explain your analysis.
  12. Which product is most likely to be sold more during winter season, summer season and rainy season? Explain the possible reason behind the High-Volume Sale
  13. Which phone is sold most during the month of March?
  14. Which headphones are the most expensive?
  15. Check if the price of any product is changing in different If yes, explain the possible reason behind the price change.
  16. People prefer which product more in earphones, wired or wireless?
  17. Which product in every category in more likely to be ordered in bulk?

Data Analysis Project by Anushka Khemaria, Team edSlash.
