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method takes an element as an argument that you want to count and returns the count of a particular element..count()
method with a tuple and pass an element then it initializes a counter variable in the backend with value 0 and it will traverse each element of the tuple and compare with the passed element if the element is equal then it increases the value of the counter variable by 1 same process is done until the entire tuple is not traversed and then it returns the value of the counter variable.Syntax –
Parameters –
Example 1-
my_tuple = (1,2,3,4,3,3,5,3)
print("My Tuple :",my_tuple)
print("Appearances of 3 are:",count_of_3)
# Output -
# My Tuple : (1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 5, 3)
# Appearances of 3 are: 4
method and store the result in the count_of_3 variable.
my_tuple = ('hello', 'python', 'tuple', 'methods')
print("Count of 'anurag' in my_tuple:",result)
# Output -
# Count of 'anurag' in my_tuple: 0
# Output -
# 0
Example 4- count the occurrence of a particular element in a tuple without using an in-built method
for i in my_tuple:
if i=='a':
print("count of 'a' in my_tuple:",count_of_a)
# Output -
# count of 'a' in my_tuple: 3
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