
Comments in Python

Item 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
Item 2
Item 3

Comments in Python

  • Comments are very useful elements in any programming language, including Python.
  • Comments are used to describe the logic of the code and make it more readable.
  • In Python, comments are those lines of code that are ignored by the interpreter during execution.
Best Practices for Using Comments
  1. Be clear and concise.
    • Write comments that are easy to understand, providing clarity in complex sections of code.
  1. Update comments regularly:
    • Keep comments up-to-date with code changes to avoid confusion.
  1. Avoid redundant comments.
    • Write comments that add value; avoid stating the obvious.
  2. Use proper grammar and punctuation.
    • Treat comments as a form of communication; use proper grammar and punctuation.

Types of comments:

  1. Single-line comments
  1. Multi-line comments
1. Single – line comment:
  • A single-line comment consists of only one line.
  • A single-line comment starts with the symbol hash # .
  • Single-line comments are used to give brief descriptions about specific lines of code.
  • Comments can also appear on the same line as code, following the statement they describe.
  • Developers can use single-line comments for quick debugging and testing purposes.

Syntax –

# Welcome to edSlash learning. 

Example –

					# This is a single-line comment
variable = 10  # Another comment on the same line

# Output on the screen
# 10
2. Multi – line comments –
  • There is no provision for multi-line comments in Python, like in other programming languages.
  • Multi-line comments are also called block comments.
  • It is useful when explanations extend over one line.
  • There are two ways to create multi-line comments:
    1. Multi-line comments with hashtags(#)

      Example –

      We can create multiple lines of comments using multiple hashtags by using # at the start of each line.

      Syntax –

      # Python block to illustrate

      # Multi-line comments with multiple hashatgs

					# This block of code is temporarily commented out.
# print("This won't be executed.")
# More code...

# Output -
# edSlash
  • 2. Multi-line comments using string literals-
    • We can create multiple line comments using string literals too.
    • We use a triple-quoted string (’’’ ‘’’,””” “””) to create multi-line comments.
    • Python ignores the string literals if they aren’t assigned to any variable and are not executed during the code’s execution.
    • A triple-quoted string provides easy syntax for creating multi-line blocks of text. This makes the code cleaner and more readable as compared to using a hash# at the beginning of each line.
    • Triple-quoted strings are also useful for creating a docstring of code.
    • It is important to note that using a hashtag(#) at the beginning of each line is a valid alternative to creating multi-line comments.

            Example –

    This is a multi-line comment.
    It spans multiple lines without the need for # on each line.
    These lines are ignored by the Python interpreter during execution.
    print("working with multi-line comments")
    # Output -
    # edSlash
    # working with multi-line comments

    Example – Docstring using triple – quoted string

    					def example_function(parameter):
        This is a docstring for example_function.
        - parameter: The input parameter for the function.
        - The result of some operation based on the input parameter.
        # Function implementation goes here
        return result
    Advantages of Comments in Python

    1. Code Documentation:

    • Clear Explanation → Comments provide a narrative alongside the code, explaining its purpose and functionality. This is crucial for developers who might want to revisit the code later.
    • Understanding Complex Logic → In intricate sections of code, comments act as guides, breaking down complex logic into more digestible parts.

    2. Collaboration:

    • Communication among Team Members → In collaborative projects, comments act as a form of communication among team members. They facilitate understanding and cooperation, especially when multiple developers are working on the same codebase.
    • Knowledge Transfer → Comments help transfer knowledge about the codebase from experienced developers to beginners, smoothing the learning curve for the latter.

    3. Debugging:

    • Identifying Issues: → During debugging, comments can highlight potential issues or provide insights into the thought process behind certain decisions. This can expedite the debugging process.
    • Temporary Exclusions → Developers often use comments to temporarily exclude blocks of code for debugging purposes, allowing them to test different sections without deleting code.

    4. Readability:

    • Enhanced Readability → Well-placed comments contribute to code readability by offering context and explanations. This is especially beneficial for code maintainability over time.
    • Quick Scanning → Comments act as signposts, allowing developers to quickly scan through code and locate specific sections or functionalities.

    5. Future Maintenance:

    • Update Guidance → As code evolves, comments should be updated to reflect changes. This ensures that future maintainers have accurate information about the codebase.
    • Change Annotations → Comments can serve as annotations for planned changes or improvements, providing a roadmap for future development.

    6. Regulatory Compliance:

    • Legal and Regulatory Requirements → In certain industries, compliance with legal or regulatory requirements is crucial. Comments can be used to document compliance measures directly within the code.
    • Documentation for Audits → Comments can serve as documentation for audits, providing a clear record of decisions and actions taken in the code.

    Article written by Anurag Dubey, Team edSlash