if-else practice questions in Python

WAP stands for Write A Program

  1. WAP to display the last digit of a number. (Don’t use indexing for this)
  2. WAP to check if a single character is a vowel or not.
  3. WAP to check if a number is even or odd where number is taken as input.
  4. WAP to check if 3rd last character of a string is a vowel or not.
  5. Check if the first and last number of a list is same or not.
  6. Calculate income tax for the input income by adhering to the Indian rules.
  7. Write a Python program to check whether a string starts with vowel or not.
  8. WAP to calculate percentage of a student through 5 subjects. Take marks as input from the user.
    Using percentage print which grade the student has scored.
  9. WAP to convert a celsius value to fahrenheit. Take celsius value as input.
  10. WAP to calculate the surface area of a triangle. Take the length of sides as input.
  11. WAP to print the day based on the number input.
    For example: if input = 1, output = Monday
  12. WAP to check whether a person is eligible to vote or not based on their age.
  13. WAP to calculate the count of elements in a string.
  14. WAP to check using the sides of a triangle to tell if it is equilateral triangle or not.
  15. WAP to check if the 2nd last digit of numerical input from the user is divisible by 3 or not.
  16. Write a Python program that takes two numbers as input from the user and prints the larger of the two numbers.