
count() method in list

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count() method in list - Python

  • The .count() method is used to find the number of occurrences of an element in a list.
  • This method takes exactly one argument and returns the number of appearances of an element in a list.
  • When you call this method with a list and pass an element that doesn’t exist in the list, then it returns 0.
  • When you call the .count() method with a list and pass an element then it initializes a counter variable in the backend with value 0 and it will traverse each element of the list and compare with the passed element, if the element is equal then it increases the value of the counter variable by 1 ,same process is done until the entire list is not traversed and then it returns the value of the counter variable.
  • The time complexity of this method is O(n).


Syntax –



Parameters –

  • element → element that’s occurrences you want to count.
  • return → return appearances of the passed element in the list.


Example 1-

print("appearances of 10 in my_list:",count_of_10)

# Output -
# appearances of 10 in my_list: 3
  • In the above example first, we create a list with some elements and store it in my_list variable.
  • Then find the occurrences of 10 in my_list using the .count() method and store the result in the count_of_10 variable.
  • Finally, print the result on the output screen.
Example 2- Count the appearances of the element that doesn’t exist
print("Count of 'g' in my_list",res)

# Output -
# Count of 'g' in my_list: 0

Example 3- Count on empty list

print("Count of 1 in my_list:",res)

# Output -
# Count of 1 in my_list: 0

Example 4- Remove all duplicate element using .count() method

print("Original list:",my_list)
print("Cleaned list:",my_list)

# Output -
# Original list: [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8]
# Cleaned list: [2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8]

Example 5- count the occurrences of element without using in-built(.count()) method

for i in lst:
	if i=='a':
print("Count of 'a' in my_list:",c)

# Output -
# Count of 'a' in my_list: 2